Learning Library

The Sound of Change- Session 2

"Joey Weisenberg"," Sarah Aroeste"

Music is Essential...

not just for deepening the experience of communal prayer, but expanding our capacity as leaders, transforming our model of meetings, and strengthening our organizations. How exactly does this happen? What leadership tools might we learn from scholars and practitioners of Jewish music? How might you harness the power and wisdom of Jewish music for your own leadership setting?

Access the Series Playlist

Scrutinizing Assumptions through Music

with Sarah Aroeste, full bio here.

Sarah (WHP Alum New England 21) is an international Ladino singer/songwriter, educator, and cultural activist.


Leading with a Listening Heart

with Joey Weisenberg, full bio here.

Joey is a musician, teacher and the founder and director of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute, cultivating grassroots musical-spiritual creativity in Jewish community, and the author of The Torah of Music and Building Singing Communities. L’eila is his latest release on Rising Song Records. See his guide on Attuning Leadership.