Mushira Aboo Dia, WIF Alum (Class 28), on receiving the Gallanter Prize from NIF for her work with Physicians for Human Rights-Israel.

Norman Atkins, WHP Alum (MetroWest, NJ 08), on receiving the Heinz Award for Improving the Human Condition for his work in education to close the achievement gap.

Mike Blass, WIF Alum (Class 14), on receiving the Israeli Association for Public Law’s Gorni Award 2018.

Dalit Caspi-Schachner, WIF Alum (Class 23), on her new position as Head of Cybersecurity Strategy, Bank Hapoalim.

Emily Gindi, WHP Alum (New York 16), on being honored at the UJA Women Annual New York Lions Lunch.

Barry Kislowicz, WGF Alum (Class 12), on his new position as Director, Herzog Global and Masters in Educational Administration at Herzog College.

Aviv Kochavi, WIF Alum (Class 8), on being named Chief of Staff of the IDF.

Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann, WHP Alum (San Francisco 03), on her 2018 Lifetime Achievement award from The Fulbright Association in recognition of her accomplishments in fostering intercultural relations between Mexico and the United States both within the business sector as well as within the community.

Edward Mermelstein, WHP Alum (New York RSJ), on his appointment as president of ZAKA Search & Rescue in the US.

Edie Raphael, WHP Alum (Baltimore 10), on publication of her book The Art of Being Present: Mindfulness Meditation for Work and Life.

Michal Reikin, WSL Network Member (2018), on moving to the second round in election for mayor in the Golan Regional Council.

Leora Tushinsky, WSL Network Member (2015), on her election to the local council Sha’arey Tikva.

Rotem Yadlin, WIF Alum (Class 28), on election to the local council Gezer, unseating the incumbent council head with 42% of the votes.


Jack Almo, WHP Alum (Seattle 12), and his wife Adina, on their being honored by the Seattle Hebrew Academy at their 70th Anniversary dinner.

Warren Bass, WGF Alum (Class 8), and his wife Jenna, on the birth of their daughter Abigail.

Maxine Schwartz, WHP Alum (Greater MetroWest 15), and her husband Rob on the bar mitzvah of their son Leo.

Zev Shulkin, WHP Alum (Dallas 13), on his engagement.

Dan Smokler, WGF Alum (Class 24), and his wife Erin Lieb Smokler, on the birth of their daughter, Taïr Tuv Elian.

Howard Weiner, WHP Alum (Connecticut), on the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth Weiner to Andrew Miller.


Elka Abrahamson, President of the Wexner Foundation, on the death of her father, Alvin Abrahamson, z”l.

Alana Kadden Ballon, WHP Member (San Francisco 18), on the death of her mother.

Donnie Katz, WHP Alum (Indianapolis), on the death of his son, Max Joseph Katz, z”l.

Gayle Schindler and her husband Joel Schindler, WHP Alumni (Washington), on the death of her mother.

If we are missing your “happening” in this list please share it with us by emailing Becca Thomas, and we will include it in the next edition.