To Our Wexner Community in North America and Israel,

Earlier this week I sent a note to our nearly 600 Wexner Israel Alumni. It read in part, “At times like this the word 'family' feels particularly appropriate. The images and news emerging from our beloved Israel - your homes and communities - break my heart. I pray that you and your loved ones remain safe. With steadfast hope I pray that wise leaders will intervene and find a way to return to the 'normal tensions' of the region. That feels like enough optimism for now.”

My reserve of optimism for a safe and secure Medinat Yisrael, State of Israel, emerges today from knowing this exceptional cadre of Israeli leaders. These talented public servants represent many perspectives – right, left, Arab and Druze, religious and secular Jews - within Israeli society. They are all deeply committed to a future, may it come soon, of calm and tolerance.

We invited our senior team from Jerusalem to send brief video messages, sharing whatever they deemed appropriate to our Wexner network to bring in Shabbat and Shavuoth.

Rabbi Elka Abrahamson
President, The Wexner Foundation

Message from Ra'anan Avital, Director General

Message from Dana Savoray-Hadar, Deputy Director



May the one who makes peace in the Heavens bring peace upon us and all Israel.

Get To Know The Author

Rabbi Elka Abrahamson is the President of The Wexner Foundation.

Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash