Wilderness Torah led 150 people into the desert to experience the Passover Story. With thanks to NPR, All Things Considered, who broadcast our adventure.

Click here to listen or read. 

Zelig Golden is a current Wexner Graduate Fellow in Class 27 and the Founding Director of Wilderness Torah. A community Maggid, wilderness guide, youth mentor, environmental educator and attorney, Zelig has helped develop and guide programs such as the Jewish Vision Quest, B’naiture., and is a former member of the Hazon Board of Directors.  He co-chaired Hazon’s 2008 Food Conference. Zelig received smicha from Reb Zalman Schacter-Shalomi as Maggid,  and is now studying for a Masters in Jewish Studies as a Berkeley-Jerusalem Fellow at the Graduate Theological Union and for rabbinic smicha at ALEPH: The Alliance for Jewish Renewals’ ordination program. Zelig can be reached at zelig@wildernesstorah.org.