Pictured from left to right: Amy Beren Bressman (NY/Sidley), Adam Beren (Chicago II-99, commuting from Wichita), Nancy Beren (Houston) and Julie Beren Platt (LA/Bear Stearns).

In a recent conversation with WHA Nancy Beren (Houston), she mentioned in passing that her sisters and brother were ALL Wexner Heritage alumni.

“How many are you?” I asked with an excited smile.

“Four,” she answered.

“What?” I said incredulously, “all four?”

It dawned on me that we had a very special situation: a family of four siblings from four different cities, ALL graduates of The Wexner Heritage Program. What were the odds? So, I checked and couldn’t seem to find any other family for whom this was true (let me know if I am wrong.)

I asked Nancy how many children they had between them. She said,  “there are 14 children, six of whom are married, one of whom is engaged and five grandchildren. They are beginning their own involvement in the Jewish community.”

Chodesh Tov.

Angie Atkins is the Director, Wexner Heritage Alumni. She would love to hear about you and can be reached at aatkins@wexner.net.