Feb 2016


I created a collage for The Wexner Foundation — for me, the culmination of our fabulous conference in April celebrating the 30th anniversary.  I was exhilarated by the hope generated by the hundreds of bright and talented alumni who are each working so hard to build a better Jewish future and, additionally, by hearing Shimon Peres speak optimistically about the peace process in Israel.  

The way that I process life is through making art. 

This collage uses colors that relate to the sandy earth of Israel, the blue sea and the blue part of the Israeli flag.  The shapes are from different maps of Israel as well as doves, symbols of peace.  Lastly, there are collaged fingerprints from the event’s attendees and organizers.  The fingerprints hidden in the painting show how we all get our hands dirtied working for Klal Yisrael, but that the building process necessitates everyone’s help.  Hopefully we will all get involved and work towards this complicated and messy future, even with outlines that are unclear and unresolved.

Stacy Leeman, a Wexner Heritage alum (Columbus 11), is an abstract painter whose work deals with Jewish themes. She is passionate about Jewish education and communal life, serving on the fundraising committee at Columbus Torah Academy, and serving on the general board and in many other capacities at the JCC (including chairing the visual arts committee and serving on both the film and swim committees). Stacy, her husband Gary and their two sons love their home in Columbus, Ohio, and invite all of you fellow Wexnerites for a Shabbat and to visit the great art in our city! Stacy can be reached at sle1784853@aol.com.