CORE18 Leaders Lab,
a new and exclusive social entrepreneurial boot camp for Jewish leaders
ages 19-25, is being co- chaired by  actor Mayim Bialik, of The Big
Bang Theory, UK Chief Rabbi Emeritus Lord Jonathan Sacks, and Dr. Tal
ben-Shahar, who taught Harvard’s hugely popular course “Positive
Psychology and Leadership.”      

CORE18 gives young Jewish leaders a platform to build themselves, their
ideas and their communities through a high-powered fellowship and
accelerator program.

This fully funded fellowship will include high-level mentoring, Jewish
learning, internship placement, an IDC Herzliya Certified Leadership
Program in Israel, and a mission to Eastern Europe.  Space is limited to
thirty-six fellows each term.  Application deadline:  October 15, 2013.
 If you know any young, uber-talented “Wexners” who would qualify,
please spread the word.

JoAnne Papir is the Co-Director of CORE18 Leaders Lab and the wife of
Eli Papir, a Miami Heritage alum. JoAnne can be reached at