Apr 2017
JDov Presents WEXtalks 2013
Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (Class 3) delivers her "WEXtalk" at the Wexner Graduate Fellowship Institute in Princeton, NJ.
In February, at the 2013 Wexner Graduate Fellowship (WGF) Alumni Institute in Princeton, NJ, several WGF Alumni delivered “WEXtalks” -- short talks filmed in partnership with JDOV, which invites interesting and creative thinkers to give “the Jewish talk of their life.” The Alumni Institute planning committee organized these talks around four themes: Jewish education, Jewish identity, Israel, and “Who has a seat at the table?” and filmed them in order to bring the conversation to those who could not be part of the Alumni Institute in person.
JDOV was created by WGF Alumna Shoshana Boyd Gelfand (Class 1) as part of her work as Director of JHub, which inspires and supports positive social change in the British Jewish Community and beyond. JDOV stands for Jewish Dreams, Observations, and Visions. A link to each of the JDOV “WEXtalks” from the 2013 Wexner Graduate Fellowship Alumni Institute is below:
Seth Anziska (Class 21)
American Jewry and the Palestinian Question
Shani Bechhofer (Class 3)
Jewish Education: Transmission or Transformation?
Beth Finger (Class 10)
The WOW Factor
Rafi Rone (Class 10)
A Seat at the Table? The Table is Dead. Long Live the Table!
Wendy Rosov (Class 6)
Measuring Jewish Identity – What’s the End Game?
Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi (Class 3)
Israel and the Leadership Dilemmas of Jewish Peoplehood
Emily Walsh (Class 19)
We Need Text People, Not Text Messages