Apr 2016
Atlanta 10 Still at It
The Wexner Heritage Atlanta 10 class gathered last week at the home of David and Debbie Kurzweil to catch up socially and to share thoughts on our recent Jewish community involvement.
From leading the creation of Atlanta's new MACoM Community Mikvah to ensuring the successful merger of two Atlanta day schools, the members and spouses of Atlanta's 2010 Wexner class are keeping busy, serving their Jewish community and having a whole lot of fun.
Joining in the event were Stuart and Karen Adler, Ted and Leah Blum, Brian and Anat Granath, Sammy and Tracey Grant, David and Debbie Kurzweil, Jeff Leavitt, Billy Levine, Matt Lieberman, Billy Medof and Doug and Debbie Stein. We're looking forward to getting back together as a class in the early fall.
Billy Medof, a Wexner Heritage alum (Atlanta 10), is President, GP Corrugated at Georgia-Pacific LLC, a nationwide manufacturer of corrugated packaging. He is a member of the New Leadership Network of AIPAC and on the board of trustees of the West Point Jewish Chapel Fund. He has also held many leadership roles at Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, Jewish Family and Career Services and the Atlanta Urban League. He has a BS in Engineering Physics from the United States Military and an MBA from Columbia Business School. Billy can be reached at bmedof@gmail.com.